So nearly everyone who's rode a bike in this city is probably familiar with this concept. You know, riding in the bike lane minding your own business. When suddenly someone opens their car door, right when you're about to pass them. Thus causing you to either A. Slam your brakes and possibly injure yourself, or B. if you don't have enough time to avoid it, Slam into the door and possibly die.

Personally I have had too many close encounters with this situation than I would like. Its an issue I feel we face as rider and I address it with this piece. I started off on my search looking at various sources for what I thought would be a relatively simple to find thing, a driver side car door. What I hadn't realized was that I was on an already tightening budget. I found myself at the junk yard. One car door please, Nothing on it. Thanks. And with that I started this work.
Note: I was working on this piece at the same time as my Peugeot fossil. Logistics was a major component of making this project work out, it took a lot of planning with helpful knowledge from the ever talented Stephen Keltner, Brooklyn College's Studio Technician, and all around jack of all trades.

Shot of where my prize lived.
Yes, Thats a car strapped to my mini hand truck. Which I pushed through Sunset Park.
Using a grinder and a cutting disc I gutted the interior plating of the car door. I left pretty much the outline of what I wanted to keep which allowed me to set up the next part..
This is the wooden panel which I cut to fit into the newly gutted interior. I used junk water damaged wood, which wasn't exactly the right size so I had to cut a sliver to make it fit right which I epoxied to the wood. Then I drew my design on the panel. Now how do I fit this in to the door you ask?
I use the grinder with metal disc and cut out 3/4 inch opening and so I can slide it right in. I also had to create slots on the interior to keep the wood from moving out of place. After planning and getting this to fit just right, I felt the need to paint the whole thing before I continue. further.
I mask the handle and the keyhole along with a pinstripe which I painted black. I know this will be installed in the gallery space so I keep the paint job as flat a white as possible to blend into the wall.
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