
My photo
Brooklyn, New York, United States
I am a sculptor. Specializing in clay modeling, metal fabrication/welding, and ceramics. Studio practices include powertools and machines that make a lot of dust and noise.

New works!

So in my job search, I have not been able to find something in the creative field. I decided to sculpt as much as I could while I'm looking for employment.
 Post undergraduate life is not as glamorous as the speakers at my graduation speech made it seem.

I digress, so basically I thought to myself that I needed to diversify my portfolio and create more works to show my range as a sculptor/artist.  This series of sculptures falls under a group I call " art: unemployed  "

This was very fun to sculpt, and came together quickly. It was sculpted over the course on and off over a 3 day span. 

Life size Koopa Shell, 12''x10'' Will cast these for fun.


Onto another project.

This life size baby is still a work in progress. Body parts have been roughed out and will begin refining soon

Roughly work time is on and off during a 4 day span so far.

Roughly measures about 27'' long from head to toe. ( if it were standing). Its you know, like a baby's size.

Aerial View
                                                                          Frontal View (Sorta)

This other work is an idea i had for a fencing mask. Well clearly it wouldn't be functional but the idea is that its made of bones. It is sculpted over a face cast of myself. It measures approximately 11'' x 7.5''.

Sculpting took place over a 5 day span, on and off a few hours at a time. clearly this is at a more refined stage. Will be completed soon!

                                                                         Frontal view.

Bottom View.
Top View.

3/4th View.
All sculpting in Chavant NSP hard grey unless indicated. 

More to come..