
My photo
Brooklyn, New York, United States
I am a sculptor. Specializing in clay modeling, metal fabrication/welding, and ceramics. Studio practices include powertools and machines that make a lot of dust and noise.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Resident Evil Executioner

This was a project for a contest, from concept to creation. Here is the documentation of my spiral into madness...

Monday, August 30, 2010

Bike Messenger Contrapposto

Bike Messenger Contrapposto
18''x4''x4'' 2010
Resin Epoxy, primer, and clear coat

Back View

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Its Show time..

Its the morning of my opening.. Still some stuff to prepare. I bought a lot of food from costco, great place. anyway off to school. See everyone tonight! Will post pictures of finished pieces in the show later!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Female Bust

My first time making a life size bust of a woman. I was inspired by Phillipe Faraut and if you don't know him you should because he's sick....

Heres a working shot taken by Kassie Weiner, who was working on the bust behind mine. Thanks Kassie!

Progress shots.
Simple armature, newspaper and tape.

Humanoid formed clayhead.
Marked off some guidelines for facial landmarks.
Fleshing out..

More work.

Lips, nose, cheek, orbital sockets... Human osteology background helps a lot for this.. Thanks Professor Gustav!

Shoulder, Hair started..

Almost done.
Another view.
Total Working time... 5 - 6 hours? Time flies when you're having fun.

Dream Catcher update.

So the first time, I say first time because it ended up snapping and I had to do it again. The first time I made this I had help in pulling the wire for tension. This is probably what cause it to be too tight and pop. Heres the progress shots..

First time around...

First time I made it.. until...
Sprayed and clear coated and then...
Snap! and 4 hours of weaving gone. Joy.
Then I started over.. again. good thing I had aircraft wire left.
This time I worked faster..
Hours later..
The hardest part is the center..
Done. 5 hours and finger pain. But this time, the tension is more evenly spread out so less likely to pop.

Massive update! part 1

Alright been working to finish these works. updates for "Unplant" 4 days of grueling work condensed in 3 posts. Hope the pictures tell you everything you need to know. Enjoy!

Heres the roots coated with mesh wire and spray foam so it wouldn't be AS heavy later on.
Heres what would be the hole I will spend the next 2 days in.

Let the fun begin..

Massive update! part 2

My life with in the hole. continued.


Flash forward 2 hours, the foam has set and I can test out the sizing for the hole. Basically I will bury this thing.

And yes, after digging a 5 x 3 ft hole I fill it back in. I create a moat like structure to contain the cement...
The fabulous Stephen Keltner teaching me how to mix cement. Though it will take me much more practice and patience to get it right.

Now this I can do. Just like Archaeology sorta, but reverse! I smooth out the cement.

I work till it gets dark. After the cement soft sets, Steve shows me how to make the grain nice with a masonry brush.

Massive update! part 3

The next day...

I have to yet again, play in dirt. Dig dig dig.

*note digging this thing out took about 5 hours since I had to be careful not to damage the roots and concrete. But to you folks out there in internet land, I can magically dig it out in 2 pictures.
The next day, Steve and I hoist this thing out of the ground and flip it upside down. I hose off a lot of the mud that was stuck to the piece.
*note not many earthworms were hurt in the process.
Then I go buy a bag of gravel mix concrete and mound it onto the mesh/foam to form the "dirt"
Afterwards I pile dirt back on the concrete/gravel mix... U plant is seen next to the "roots"
This piece making sense yet?

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Contrapposto Bike messenger update!

First off I want to say how hard ears are to sculpt. In case anyone was ever wondering...

Progress shot from the start of the head. Putting in ball bearings as eyes..

maybe 15 minutes later. I dont remember.
Will give her a forehead in the later shots.

Oh and then after you do one, you soon find that you have to sculpt it again for the other side...

Heres a test style.
then I thought of a bandana.

another variation.

Alternate view same style..
Another variation. Its at this stage right now. Still not sure if its what I want.
Been trying different hair styles. It was difficult for me to decide as girls are known for having so many hair styles.. Thanks ladies.

Made some invites...

After realizing my test graphic said 2009, I took it out. printed these. The original screen I shot failed so I had to re-scoop coat and burn the image again... In retrospect I think I should of put 2010 on it. Meh.

Shot a screen made some invites.

Cut them.

Bam! hand made invites. I'm a print maker now too! sorta..